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January 01, 2017

Replacement Gas Furnace Pricing

80% efficient gas furnaces start at a little more then $4,000, with no rebates offered. 

95% efficient gas furnaces start at $4,600 and can move upwards to $5,300, with little rebates offered. 

98% efficient gas furnaces, aka modulating units, start at $5,800 and can move upwards to $6,300, with a generous rebate offered. Another benefit of the 98% furnace is, they come with a touch screen thermostat that can be connected to your wifi for mobile access. 

January 01, 2017

Replacement Gas Boiler Pricing

Boilers are always a little harder to get ballpark figures on due to the various parts and venting strategies that go along with the installation and equipment involved.  


I can tell you that an 80% efficient boiler, with all new controls, valves, pumps, and so on, are typically priced around $5,500- $7,000.  


Hi-efficient modulating/condensing boilers cant start around $7,000 and go upwards to $15,000 (it really depends on your home and the specific unit and placement needed to ensure quality for your heating system installation). Again, there are so many variables that go into boiler installations, so these prices are strictly estimates and not exact. 

January 01, 2017

Replacement Oil Boiler Pricining

Boilers are a little harder to get ballpark figures on due to the various parts and venting strategies that go along with the installation and equipment involved. With that being said, a good quality oil boiler (cast iron, not steel), can typically start around $6,000 and could move upwards to $10,000 or higher. The price really depends on your home and the specific unit and placement needed to ensure quality for your heating system installation. Again, there are so many variables that go into boiler installations, so these prices are strictly estimates and not exact. 



Please note that, with our boiler installations we remove all old valves, pumps, controls, and so on. We will always do this when installing a boiler replacement, some contractors may not. Everything will be cut out and replaced, aside from the piping to the system (this helps to ensure a trouble-free system). 

January 01, 2017

Indirect Fired Hot Water Heater Pricing

Replacement Unit: these prices can start around $3,000

New Installation: these prices can start around $4,000 

January 01, 2017

On-Demand Hot Water Heater Pricing

On-demand hot water heaters can start around $3,500 and go upwards to a little more then $4,500, along with a generous rebate

January 01, 2017

Central Air Conditioner Pricing

A basic air conditioner replacement (13 seer), starts at $4,500, this price can go up to $6,000 depending on the specs of the system. If you went with a higher efficiency model (16+ seer), they can start at $5,000 and go upwards to $7,000. The price of the system really depends on the size of the unit (determined by the square footage of your home), and the efficiency rating of the system. 

January 01, 2017

Central Air Conditioning- New Installation Pricing

Non- Forced Hot Air homes: These will require an entire duct system to be installed in order for you to have central air conditioning. This is typically done by installing an air handling unit in the attic or basement. From there we install an insulated sheet metal duct system that usually runs the length of the house. Off of this duct system, we run flexible insulated duct work to the registers (located in the ceiling, floors or walls, depending on the home). For smaller ranch style homes, a single zone central air conditioning system starts at $10,000; for colonial style or cape style homes, a single zone starts at $13,000. If multiple zones are required or requested, the price can increase 50%. 


Forced Hot Air Homes: With this type of system the duct work is already installed. The price for central a/c on this type of system will start around $4,500 and go upwards to $7,000, depending on the style home and specs of the system. 

January 01, 2017

Ductless Air Conditioning Pricing

These units are, without a doubt, our fastest growing segment of the industry. We have seen a tremendous growth in the demand for installing these systems. They offer many benefits that include, but are not limited to: flexibility, affordability, easy to zone, high efficiency ratings, generous rebates, and easy to clean filters. Along with providing air conditioning for your home, they also provide dehumidifying and heat options. In fact, a good amount of our customers use these systems as their primary source of heat, rather than oil, natural gas or propane gas. These systems can also be a great option for heating your finished basement or sun room, rather then adding a new zone from your existing heating system. 


The price for ductless air conditioning systems can start as low as $4,000 for a single zoned unit. This price can increase depending on the units specs, as well as multi-zone system installations, this price can vary between $3,500-$4,000 (per additional head, aka indoor unit). 


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